Codesters psa. html>boftr

Codesters psa. Let’s make the sprite move down 150 pixels.

Remember to click Run to see your changes, then click Submit and Next to move on. Make sure you drop the . Click Run to see the fish move down farther. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Welcome to Hour of Code on Codesters! Through Codesters Hour of Code projects you will be introduced to a variety of programming concepts by creating fun games, art, and animations. move_down(50) command at the bottom of your program. Click Submit to turn in your work and then click Next to move on. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Change Sprite: STEP 4: Let’s change the image of our sprite from a person to a fish!Click into the code editor and change the sprite's image label from "person1" to "fish". move_down(50) command, change the number from 50 to 150. Change where the sprite moves. We Can Stop COVID PSA. Once you answer all 3 questions, click Submit, then Next to continue. Your micro:bit is not set up for this program. Coding Level: Beginner. Click Run to see your background image. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Create a PSA - Hour of Code 2019 | Codesters Curriculum. . To do a flip, we need to spin in a complete circle or do a 360. 背景图片: 第 1 步:让我们开始在舞台上添加背景图像。在屏幕左侧的工具包中,找到并点击它。注意出现的蓝色块。找到标有School Hallway的街区。单击、按住并将其拖动到下面的代码编辑器中,然后释放。点击运行以查看您的背景图像。点击提交以上交您的工作,然后单击接下来继续。 Create a PSA. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Learn the basics of coding in Python while creating your own Public Service Announcement. say("Hello, name") command inside the click event. Does an image of a pig appear?Fix the program so that the sprite has the image label "pig" in all lower case letters. Click Run after you've made your changes to see them on the stage. Make sure you don’t delete the quotes " " or parentheses ( ). Make sure your new command is indented! Click Run. In the toolkit on the left side of your screen, find and click on it. Click: STEP 8: Let’s add something special to our program to make the sprite say something to you when you click on it. Find the block labeled Pond. Through Codesters Hour of Code projects you will be introduced to a variety of programming concepts by creating fun games, art, and animations. Be sure not to delete the quotation marks " " or the indentation. Click Submit and Next to continue. The . Click Run to see the fish move down. Try stopping other Codesters projects or closing other tabs or windows that may be using your Micro:bit. Do not put quotes around the number. In the . 课程: 创建 PSA 1. One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Preview: PREVIEW: Before we get started making our very first program, let's look at an example. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Try stopping other Codesters projects or closing other tabs or windows that may be using your Micro:bit. Time to Swim: STEP 10: For our final step, let's make the fish swim once you click on it! In , drag in Set x Speed INSIDE your click event. Drag out Sprite Click and drop it at the bottom of your program. Watch the fish move, then click on the fish once it stops moving to see what it does. Debugging #2: WARNING: This program has a bug, which means we need to debug it! RULE: All Codesters image labels use lower case letters. Choose a topic you find important and design your own animated or interactive PSA to share critical information about how to make a positive impact on the world. Find the block labeled School Hallway. Click, hold, and drag it into the code editor below, then release. PREVIEW: Before we get started making our very first program, let's look at an example. Click Submit to turn in your work and Next to move on. Click Run and watch the stage. Step 1: Log into your teacher account on Codesters. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Oct 26, 2016 · Here are the steps for pre-loading your roster. With Codesters, students learn to code by creating fun and engaging projects. Click Run to see an example of the program you will create today. And each project introduces students to new coding topics and concepts while reinforcing ones they have already learned. 2020 年代码小时 我们可以阻止 COVID PSA Follow these steps to use your device with Codesters: 1 Try stopping other Codesters projects or closing other tabs or windows that may be using your Micro:bit. Click Run. Move Farther: STEP 6: Let's have our fish move farther down until it is on the ground. Students learn game mechanics such as: - Taking Turns, Moving Objects, Collisions, Random Numbers, Avoiding Hazards, Seeking Goals, Getting Points, and Setting Winning or Losing Criteria. Once complete, use the Login with Class Key slides to walk students through logging in on the first day. Change the background image or the sprite image. This program has a background image and a sprite or character that moves and is clickable. Sprite: STEP 3: Let's add a sprite to our water scene! A sprite is a character, shape, or other object that we add to our scene. Then click on the sprite. Answer the questions to the right by clicking on the correct answers. One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Create a PSA - Hour of Code 2019 | Codesters Curriculum. Extend: EXTEND: Now customize your program how ever you want! Change at least three things about your program. Step 3: For each student, enter: First Name. Add a Turn Right command from the toolkit. Change Sprite: STEP 4: Let’s change the image of our sprite from a person to a fish!Click into the code editor and change the sprite's image label from "person1" to "fish". In your . Click into the code editor and change the image label from "pond" to "underwater" Click Run to see your background image change. Click on in the toolkit. Symbols are important! Be sure you don't delete the quotes " " or parentheses ( ) when making changes. If that doesn't fix the problem try disconnecting your Micro:bit, reloading this page, and reconnecting your Micro:bit. Step 2: Click Edit Roster. Codesters empowers students to create interactive projects and apps on their own. When you're done, click Submit and Next to move on to your Create project. Drag out Person 1 and drop it at the bottom of your program. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Preview: PREVIEW: Before we get started making our very first program, let's look at an example. Oct 26, 2016 · Here are the steps for pre-loading your roster. Click Submit to turn in your work and then click Next One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Create a PSA. Create a PSA. Let’s make the sprite move down 150 pixels. Pixels are the unit of measurement on the stage. Custom sprites will be lost after leaving Codesters unless you log in or create an account. Click Run to test if you fixed the program. 预览: 预览:在我们开始制作我们的第一个程序之前,让我们看一个例子。点击运行以查看您今天将创建的程序的示例。该程序有一个背景图像和一个可移动且可点击的精灵或角色。观察鱼的移动,然后在鱼停止移动后单击它以查看它的作用。点击提交并接下来继续。 One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Change Name: STEP 9: Now let's make the sprite greet YOU by name! Find the . Learn the basics of coding in Python while creating your own Public Service Announcement. The sample student projects to the right will give you an idea of what's possible with Codesters. Then click Submit and Next to move on. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Background Image: STEP 1: Let’s get started by adding a background image to the stage. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Change Background: STEP 2: Let’s change the background image for our stage from a pond to underwater. When it is fixed, click Submit and Next. Check for Understanding: CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Here are a few questions for you to check what you have learned. Preview: PREVIEW: Before we get started making our very first program, let's look at an example. Whether it's through coding on our free Project page or our structured lessons, students have the opportunity to build and explore independently. Run your program and wait until the sprite stops moving. Notice the blue blocks that appear. Watch the teacher move, then click on the teacher once they stop moving to see what they do! Click Submit and Next to continue. In the process, you will learn Python, a real programming language used every day at companies like Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Check for Understanding: CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Here are a few questions for you to check what you have learned. Each lesson involves a series of steps to build the basi Move Down: STEP 5: Let’s make our fish sprite move! Click on in the toolkit. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Debugging #2: WARNING: This program has a bug, which means we need to debug it! RULE: All Codesters image labels use lower case letters. Create a PSA - Hour of Code 2019 | Codesters Curriculum. One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Flip: STEP 8: Let's complete the flip! The . turn_right(90) command, change the number inside the parentheses from 90 to 360. Each lesson is structured as a project for students to build. Wait for the sprite to stop moving, then click on it. One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Oct 26, 2016 · Here are the steps for pre-loading your roster. Drag out Wait and drop it into your program. Background Image: STEP 1: Let’s get started by adding a background image to the stage. Follow these steps to use your device with Codesters: Your micro:bit has an old version of the Codesters binary file. Go to . One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Learn the basics of coding in Python while creating your own Public Service Announcement. Flip: STEP 8: Let's complete the flip! The . Drag out Move Down to the bottom of your program. wait (2) command will make the entire stage pause for two seconds. One way to make people pay attention is to make your PSA interactive! Your task: Build a PSA to inform the public about something you find important, like global warming, voting in an election, or maybe something more local, like remembering to recycle at your school! Through Codesters Hour of Code projects you will be introduced to a variety of programming concepts by creating fun games, art, and animations. Click into the code editor and change "Hello, name" to "Don't litter!". turn_right(90) command turns a sprite 90 degrees. Click Run to watch your sprite do a flip! Then, click Submit and Next to move on. Click Run to see the fish move down, wait 2 seconds, then turn 90 degrees! Codesters empowers students to create interactive projects and apps on their own. Create a PSA. Change Background: STEP 2: Let’s change the background image for our stage from a pond to underwater. Drag out Turn Right and drop it at the bottom of your program. In the process, you will learn Python , a real programming language used every day at companies like Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. Change Name: STEP 9: Now let's make the sprite greet YOU by name! Find the . In this project-based series of lessons students learn how to use Codesters to create games in Python. afswcosc mdho bfhqkl szwd boftr rdjhr poz wpqaex jnzdtd tdy

Codesters psa. Change the background image or the sprite image.