Prayer points to open my spiritual eyes and ears pdf. Sep 21, 2016 · Give me perfect eyesight.

  • Lord, use your guidance and direction to make me stand out among my peers. Jun 1, 1999 · 5. Lord, release Your tongue of fire upon my life and burn away allspiritual filthiness present within me. Just as he healed the blind man, he longs to open your eyes to know Him. Tune my ears to the gentle whisper of your Spirit, imparting wisdom and revelation. Let every ailment and disease plaguing my body dissipate by the power of your name. Hebrews 11:1 What Happens After My Spiritual Eyes and Ears Are Open? After your spiritual eyes and ears are open, a profound transformation occurs within you. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you Abba, we come before You to see. That means that this is a significant truth that demands our attention. 22. John 16:13; John 8:32 Help us to see. As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. ” 4. So, encourage friends, family, and fellow believers to join you. Everyone of the prayer point is bible based – scriptural, this is important because it is only prayers based on God’s word that receive the attention of heaven. Pray and thank God for making His power available to you in Christ Jesus, in Jesus name. '” Lord, guide me strategically, and may my success be a reflection of Your divine plan unfolding in my life. Renew my strength like that of an eagle. There is nothing too hard for You. My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. Prayer, as well as life itself, is a test for most of us, since we are being judged on how we live it. I desire to hear your thoughts. “Prayer Points for Our Nation, the Body of Christ, and Leaders,” by Donna Cole (click title to download PDF) Have Faith that God hears: You do not have because you do not ask. Open the eyes of our hearts. Lord, I seek a deeper divine connection through prayer, a path that leads to Your intervention. Paul prayed: I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened. ” Explanation: In this passage, Jesus uses the metaphor of the eye to illustrate how our spiritual perception impacts our whole being. This type of judgment is articulated by Paul in Romans 1: “Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done Open my eyes and ears Lord Jesus, I ask you to open my eyes as you did with the blind man, Jn 9 so that I may really see. Healing Prayer By The Laying-On-Of-Hands For Healing 13. May our spiritual eyes catch fire with unbeatable determination and let us hear praise for you clearer than ever before as the shackles on our spirit are broken by the power Oct 21, 2014 · Jeremiah 32:17 ‘Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. The following are prayer points for spiritual power you can pray right away: 1. Dec 6, 2022 · 2x Prayer To Open Spiritual Eyes And Ears Prayer for spiritual awakening. Father, I pray that you will restore my health and grant me good health in my body system. 1 John 2:11. Lean into the walk of faith with Him, and begin that trust relationship founded on the wholeness of Aug 16, 2021 · Sweet Spirit Of God,, let Your fire burn all that is not holy in my life in Jesus name; Dear Holy Spirit, let Your fire generate power in my life in Jesus name. Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. Demonic forces operate at midnight, while men […] Feb 26, 2021 · This article is a compilation of effective prayer points, along with their corresponding Bible verses. Repent for any pride or presumption that you have allowed to creep into your heart and cause a greater level of spiritual blindness. Remember, prayer is a two-way communication. Open my eyes to perceive the depth of Your love and grace. 5 / 5 (8696 votes)Downloads: 12048>>>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD<<<A ringing in the ears is believed to be spiritually caused by the presence of guides and angels being too close to the physical body. Use them for your own personal spiritual growth and self-development. Here’s his story: “I first found your programs when I listened to a lot of music while doing Oct 18, 2014 · Let’s see what Jesus says about the subject: “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. I ask that you would open my ears Abba. The following are 11 prayer points for spiritual growth to meet your prayer need: 1. I start by asking God to open my eyes, open my ears, and open my heart. Let my spiritual sight and hearing drum receive healing, in the name of Jesus. Remove any demonic scales blocking my spiritual sight . We have seven years' worth of classes on the seer anointing. ” Ask God to open their spiritual eyes (2 Cor. ” B. I send the fire of God to my eyes and ears to melt away every satanic deposit, in the name of Jesus. ’ Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. 51. 53. 3 days ago · Check out my School of the Seers. READ ALSO: Prayer Points For Healing. Help me to see things in Scripture that I didn’t see before. Healthy spiritual eyes lead to spiritual insight and understanding, while spiritual blindness results in darkness and confusion. 15. The Amplified Bible puts it this way: The prophets often referred to these spiritual senses as spiritual 'eyes' and 'ears': Isaiah 6:9-10 MKJV And He said, Go, and tell this people, You hear indeed, but do not understand; and seeing you see, but do not know. Every tree of untimely death in my family line, my life is not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. Open My Eyes Prayer Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, my vision has been blurry lately. Hence the need for prayer and revelation. Fasting has a way of bringing every part of your life into focus in ways nothing else can do. Let us commit to nurturing our inner vision, expanding our awareness, and cultivating spiritual insight in all aspects of our lives. 50 minutes prayer to unlock your spiritual eyes - apostle joshua selman. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it. 34. Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Feb 26, 2023 · As you go into praying the guided prayers in this post, ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes and ears. Watch the people you encounter and look for what God is doing. Jan 17, 2023 · Lord, I beg You, let Your ear be attentive now to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants, who delight to fear Your name; and please prosper Your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man Ask God to please direct you in such a way that your life brings praise to His name . Would you open your heart to God to be a spiritual watchman to hear and see what others may not, and will you say to God, “Whatever You show me that is putting Your people in any danger, Lord, give me the spiritual boldness and courage to put the trumpet to my lips and blow the warning so that nobody will be where the enemy is destroying and 7. These prayer points are scriptural and when prayed in faith, will release the hand of God to move in your favor in a way that’s beyond every human explanation. When I go back to the hospital, let the optician cancel the operation, in Jesus’ name. Jan 14, 2024 · Discover the Spiritual Realm Beyond the Physical World. Father, I pray that You will open my spiritual eyes. Lord, open my eyes and ears to receive wondrous things from You. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are capable of tapping into a higher consciousness and experiencing spiritual dimensions beyond our physical reality. Pray for Life. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 32. Give me the courage and capacity to make the adjustments needed to move Sep 5, 2023 · Echoing the Psalmist’s words in Psalms 119:18, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law”, we implore that our spiritual ears and eyes may be opened. My Father, please remove every form of log blocking my sight from making 33. Jan 14, 2024 · If you want God to open your spiritual eyes, the good news is that He desires to reveal spiritual truth to those who seek it. 6:9–10, NIV). Prayer For Favor 12. 8 / 5 (1495 votes)Downloads: 88873>>>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD<<<It is a time to celebrate and reflect on pdf the life and teachings of jesus. My eyes will see, my heart will understand, and I will turn to You for You to heal me. 9. Sep 2, 2023 · Unlocking our spiritual perception is a gradual process that requires patience, commitment, and dedication. I stand firm in the power of Your might, knowing that You are my protector and deliverer. 23. scripture reading: job 19: 25- 27 confession Sep 10, 2020 · Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law. My God, I come before You seeking healing for my eyes. 4:4). Exodus 30:23-25 “Take the finest spices: of liquid myrrh 500 shekels, and sweet-smelling cinnamon half as much, that is, 250, and 250 of aromatic cane, and 500 of cassia, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil. Every satanic device to terminate my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see beyond the visible to the invisible, in the name of Jesus. May 27, 2023 · Prayer Point: Father in the name of Jesus, open my eyes to see, and ears to hear opportunities for growth and improvement. Sep 5, 2023 · O Mighty God, we find ourselves in desperation, crying out to You as the earache takes hold. 31. Yes, these prayer points for spiritual authority are not intended to be prayed from a standpoint of one, begging and asking God to empower and endow you with spiritual power, no! They are to be prayed as one who already has authority but who is positioning himself to exercising it. ; Quick & Concise read: finish in less than 15 minutes. 37. Prophetic Declaration. The Means: “The Eyes of Your Heart Flooded With Light” “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened” (Ephesians 1:18a). Dec 11, 2023 · 3. Open your eyes. Aug 15, 2022 · I believe that the spiritual eyes and ears with regards to prayer can be both opened as well as closed. I decree your spiritual eyes open in Jesus name. 8. The Holy Spirit will lead me into all truth. Children’s toys, indicators of who live there. Amen. Open my spiritual eyes and ears to perceive Your guidance and respond to Your gentle leading. Fill me with Your love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit. But one of His greatest gifts is the ability to see with spiritual eyes. 38. I know that nothing is impossible with you, and I trust that you will heal me completely. If you will allow your moments of hunger and cravings to serve as reminders to stop and pray, you will find a closeness with your Heavenly Father like you have never known. May the many experiences of my senses remind me all that is around me. READ ALSO: Prayer Points For The Manifestation Of God’s Power. txt) or read online for free. Daily Prayers of Consecration 8. A. Let me not be afraid to defend the weak because of the anger of the strong, nor afraid to defend the poor because of the anger of the rich. org Aug 11, 2021 · It’s only upon prayer and fasting that I received the revelation that no woman in my family had ever passed the level I was trying to reach. I pray that you remove this condition from my eyes and restore my sight. May 23, 2017 · “Seeing they do not see,” Jesus said (Matthew 13:13). Lord, ignite my career with Your fire. Jan 12, 2003 · II. We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great mercy. Open my eyes to Your divine truths and lead me to deeper intimacy with You. Conclusion. (John 1:16, KJV) 2. I reject evil spiritual husband, wife, children, marriage, engagement, trading, pursuit, ornament, money, friend, relative, etc. Lord, I pray that you connect me with these people – destiny helpers no matter where they are on the surface of the earth, in Jesus’ name. Strengthening Your Faith through Prayer for Spiritual Eyes. The way the apostle Paul puts it is that you must have “the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know” (Ephesians 1:18). Dec 24, 2023 · Prayer points to open my spiritual eyes and ears pdfRating: 4. Gracious Father, I seek your divine intervention to open my spiritual eyes. Let my spiritual sight and hearing drum receive healing, in the name OPEN up the GATES! Psalm 24:7 “Lift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in. READ ALSO: Morning Prayer Points For Breakthrough. Please guide my doctors and give them the wisdom to provide the right treatment for my condition. “The moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted and they see. Say with me: If I guard my eye-gate, ear-gate, tongue-gate, and foot-gate, I will greatly strengthen my walk in the Spirit! Aug 31, 2023 · I seal these prayer points for answered prayers with the blood of Jesus. Psalm 139:13-14 (KJV) For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb Nov 28, 2009 · understand it. What an incredible journey these twenty-one days will be as we fast, pray, and grow together. Ask Him to open your spiritual eyes. Gracious Father, I approach my watchful prayers with anticipation, expecting divine revelations and encounters with Your presence. 27 Reasons For Unanswered Prayer 6. Lord, I thank you for making grace available through the knowledge of your word. A Prayer to Open Spiritual Eyes. Today take a moment to ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes to all that He has to show you. Jan 4, 1998 · “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your law. pdf), Text File (. . may we not be distracted by the lies of the enemy that come to steal, kill, and. Lord Jesus, I ask you to open my eyes as you did with the blind man, so that I may really see. open my ears that I may hear their cries, open my heart so that they need not be without succour. Let’s get to it! READ ALSO: Prayer Points For Financial Open Doors. Close your eyes and pray. Lord, in the name of Jesus, open my spiritual eyes so I can see things that my physical eyes cannot. 35. 33. It may have never crossed your mind to pray for spiritual hunger but you should! It really is connected with prayer Back to the Prayers Index THE PRAYER, OPEN MY EYES AND EYES. Lord Jesus, wash my spiritual eyes, ears and mouth with Your blood. In Jesus’ name, I submit to Your Spirit. The first step is to enhance our intuition, which is our inner voice that guides us towards the right decisions. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. I thank you and honor you, for you love me and will protect me. You’ll find it at www. Let my life be a testimony to the transformation brought by the Holy Spirit’s indwelling. Pray for spiritual sight to see His truth in His Word and your life, especially for any challenging situations you’re facing. Dec 6, 2010 · 29. This too is strange — the heart has eyes! But perhaps not beyond 70 Prayer Points For Open Heavens - Free download as Word Doc (. To know you as we never have before. 4. I anoint my eyes and my ears with the blood of Jesus. It is also the only time the phrase “the eyes of your heart” appears in the New Testament. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed” (Isa. 14. May these prayer points be a springboard to a lifelong journey of intercession and a faith filled life, experiencing the loving kindness and the miracle-working power of God. Prayer Points For Open Doors With Scriptures. You can also visit my prayer category on my blog, where I have prayer points for indigenous groups, teenagers, pregnancy, etc. We want to enjoy the splendor of all that You have for us, and desire not to be blinded to the Truth and Your fullness. Feb 13, 2022 · Abba Father, I thank you for the love that you've displayed in my life. John 15:7 “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. Let my spiritual sight and hearing drum receive healing, in the name Now, to help you get started and running in prayer, we have put together these prayer points for open doors with scriptures for your praying pleasure. ” May 13, 2018 · Open my eyes, turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto God (Acts 26:18). I must put all my energy and all my heart into prayer. Heavenly Father, I pray for your divine provision in every area of my life. I want Your words to jump off my Bible’s pages at me. The child of God is driven to say, “I must pray, pray, pray. Elisha prayed and said, “Lord, open up the young man’s eyes” (2 Kin. Open my spiritual eyes and ears to perceive Your subtle whispers and profound revelations. And he doesn’t play fair. ” I kinda tried to avoid duplicating the same points, so be sure to visit that post. 7. Please touch my eyes with Your healing grace, removing any affliction or discomfort. Oh Lord, I shall not grow weary in battle, renew my strength like that of an eagle in Jesus name. The Holy Spirit works in you, transforming your heart to reflect the love of Christ. Elisha saw into the King of Syria’s bedroom, listened to his war plans, and warned the king of Israel about what he was about to do. O Lord, by your mercy, save me from every wrong decision I have made that is affecting me negatively in Jesus name. Lord, is Jesus’ name, I pray. (Ephesians 1:18) Pray that the eyes of your heart will be open to know Christ and that your ears would be attentive to His Word. Prayer meetings will amplify your collective faith. 23 Effective Prayer Points For Breakthrough May 23, 2021 · The Lord calls out to you today to open your spiritual eyes and ears. In Jesus’ name, I trust in Your complete Prayer points. Nov 21, 2018 · 14. in the name of Jesus. Open my heart, spiritual eyes, and ears to hear and understand Your Word through this Bible study. I command your hearing open in the name of Jesus. ” PLACES TO PRAYER-WALK: See full list on susanldavis. Father, I receive my spiritual sight and focus in Jesus’ name. Mar 25, 2022 · PEOPLE ALSO READ: Prayer Points For Manifestation Of God’s Glory. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. 10. Job 36: 15 -17 Prayer: I thank you Father for total victory and deliverance from this situation (insert what situation you are praying about) I ask that you open my ears to hear your specific instructions that I may walk in your wisdom. Something more than the use of the natural eyes and ears and brains must happen. I will know the truth and the truth will set me free. Mar 16, 2023 · When open, the third eye chakra may provide wisdom and insight and deepen your spiritual connection. Tune my ears as you did with the man who was deaf and dumb, Mk 731-37 so that I may really hear what you are saying to me. Here are five ways to strengthen this ability. Every power announcing my name for death, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. ”I pray for clarity of vision, that my spiritual eyes may be open to the wonders of Your love and wisdom. The importance of midnight prayer points can never be over emphasized. 25. 16. Spiritual Keys to Success: Prayer Points for a Breakthrough Life Nov 3, 2023 · In the stillness of the night, may my prayers reach Your ears. Father, thank you for making it possible in Christ to have my spiritual eyes opened to see, ears to hear your voice and my mind to perceive your direction per time, in Father, thank You for Your love in our lives. ” (NASB) In the preceding verse 11 Jesus told his disciples “to Oct 26, 2020 · You may feel inadequate for this task, but take encouragement from Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9:18: “Give ear, our God, and hear; open Your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears Your Name. The eye of your understanding be enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of HIS calling, and what the riches of the glory of HIS inheritance in the saints. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds,” so says Your word in Psalm 147:3 and so we believe that You can heal our physical pains too. This is what was working against me supernaturally and in the spiritual realm, that’s why I couldn’t get the manifestation in the physical realm. Nov 9, 2019 · 13. 50 MINUTES PRAYER TO UNLOCK YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN Video original and produced exclusively by ChristainHouse Footage licensed through s Give me grace to not hate my brother and thus walk in darkness, not knowing where I go because darkness has blinded my eyes. Prayer for Spiritual Discernment: Heavenly Father, grant me the gift of discernment to recognize the tactics and deceptions of the enemy. O lord, revive all my dormant 91. ” We need to stand in prayer during this _____ time gate! May 10, 2018 · In Matthew 13:16 Jesus said unto his disciples, “but blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear. In the beginning, Satan had a great fear that Adam and Eve would have spiritual eyes to see the truth, so he perverted the truth, in hopes of making them afraid to see with open spiritual eyes. Psalm 2: 1-12: Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the HOW TO OPEN YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES - Apostle Joshua SelmanIn this video, we are going to be learning 3 keys to see into the spiritual realm Jan 24, 2019 · Personal prayer topics and prayer points are super crucial for every Christian. Q: How do I open my spiritual eyes? Apr 26, 2023 · Yes, and on My menservants also and on My maidservants in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom]. So seeing and hearing with your spiritual eyes and ears would be your willingness to look and listen in every dimension. Holy Spirit, teach me to pray through problems instead of praying about it in the name of Jesus. Putting On the Full Armor of Father God 10. Teach me to walk in Your ways, aligning my will with Yours. The midnight hour is a very sensitive time, its a time when we can take charge of situations and circumstances. Daily Prayer To Pray Down Spiritual Attack 11. doc / . (Proverbs 3:5-6) Prayers for Divine Provision, Favour and Blessings in June. 119:130). O Jesus, reveal to me everything that is hidden in the spirit realm. 18. Help me not let hatred lead me into spiritual blindness and deception. God is the consciousness with unlimited eyes and ears to every dimension. Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Purpose and Application 7. tv. I desire to understand how you love us so much that you'd send your son to die for us. Yet you do not have because you do COMMAND THE MORNING CONFESSIONS: Psalm 5: 1-3: Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. PRAYER POINTS FOR BABIES IN THE WOMB B. Holy Spirit, rain fire on me now, in the name of Jesus. We are sure you find these intercessory prayer points for Sunday service helpful. Let my spiritual eyes and ears be wide open, in the name of Jesus. Our job is to stay awake with eyes, ears, and heart open to perceive the Spirit’s action and direction in our life. Open my spiritual eyes and ears to discern between truth and falsehood, light and darkness. 6. schoolofthespirit. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. However, by opening our spiritual eyes and ears we can better see… Read More »Prayer To Open Spiritual Eyes And Ears Pdf Nov 4, 2019 · Psalms 119:62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. 2 Kings 6:17 ESV / 110 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. This is the heart of the prayer. Thank Him for His goodness to you. Help me to discern between good and evil, and to follow your guidance without wavering. Invoking Spiritual Breakthrough through Prayer. Pray with your eyes wide open physically and spiritually. Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord! We know that our Abba wants to reveal His Truths to us, but we, too, must stand ready with open and willing hearts. And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. Father, I pray that You will restore the eyes of my heart so that I can seek the kingdom without ignorance. Continue to engage these points in your daily communion with God, and see how Apr 11, 2008 · Question: How can I open my spiritual eyes and ears? Your spiritual eyes and ears are already open, seeing and hearing in all dimensions. O Lord, have mercy on me for placing my confidence in man concerning my life and destiny. Jan 14, 2023 · If you want more prayer points, please visit my post titled “11 Powerful Prayer Points: Intercessory Prayers for Nations. 36. This was the famous request of the disciples to the Lord Jesus Christ one day as He came down from the mountainside IV. Father, make me to hunger and thirst for righteousness, in the name of Jesus. Opening your spiritual eyes and ears is an essential practice for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual journey. Now, Lord, I pray that you open my eyes to recognize these people and places you have planned in eternity for my success in life, in Jesus’ name. This post on prayer points for breakthrough is it for you. Our Maker knows us well and will touch our hearts in a way that speaks to us individually. ” The following is a list of prayer points for God to open my spiritual eyes you can pray right away to have your spiritual eyes open to see and perceive things in the spirit. The God who answereth by fire should answer by fire whenever any spiritual attacker comes against me. Lord, release Your tongue of fire upon my life and burn away all spiritual filthiness present within me. Invite Others to Join: Revival is contagious. Look for items that can help you to pray, i. Lord, anoint my eyes and my ears that they may see and hear you clearly in Jesus name. I melt away any satanic deposits, resisting my breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Grant me the strength and clarity to overcome obstacles hindering my spiritual growth. Lord, I my image, my properties, my pictures, my clothes, my money, my name, any parts of my body, my finger nails or my hair is in the air, on the earth, underneath the earth or in the waters above or underneath, in rivers and in seas, before swine or idols, in the covens or temple of Satan – I ask the Sep 2, 2023 · Welcome to our guide on how to open your spiritual eyes and ears. Lord, anoint my eyes and my ears that they may see and hear you clearly in Jesus name; I melt away any satanic deposits, resisting my breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Apr 22, 2024 · Discernment Prayer for Spiritual Insight and Understanding. 12). “Let every broken part of my life receive healing. We desire to know Your thoughts and let You lead our lives. Let my spiritual sight and hearing drum receive healing, in the name PRAYER POINT 1: WISDOM FOR ADVERSITY Scriptures: Job 35: 9- 12. Help us to see. ”So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. – Psalm 42:1-2. Therefore God opens our eyes through His Spirit and His Word, and the Spirit, in turn, opens our eyes through spiritual gifts and the Word. PRAYER POINTS FOR PROTECTION AND DELIVERANCE FOR CHILDREN Chapter 95—I Refuse to Lose CONFESSION PRAISE WORSHIP Chapter 96—I Am Sentenced to Victory And Condemned to Win CONFESSION PRAISE WORSHIP Chapter 97—Death Must Die CONFESSION PRAISE WORSHIP Jan 23, 2018 · A riveting and compelling call to prayer shows you that your prayer life can be what God intends it to be. “Restore my mind and emotions from the scars and traumas of the past. According to your Word in John 12:40, my eyes will not be blinded nor will my heart be hardened. Sep 21, 2016 · Give me perfect eyesight. You are a good Father and I submit to your word, your way, and guidance. Aug 23, 2023 · Let God’s Word guide your prayers and enrich your spiritual experience. FAQ. Give us eyes that can see and ears that can hear Your Truth and Your Voice. Grant me unwavering faith to trust in Your divine plan. Scripture reading: job 19: 25- 27 confession: psalm 139: 14: i. Sep 2, 2023 · So let us continue to embrace our spiritual journey with open hearts and open minds. May the refreshing winds of your spirit breathe life into every dry bone. Heavenly Father, I pray for the strengthening of my faith as I seek to open my spiritual eyes. Jan 9, 2024 · “The eye is the lamp of the body. 6:17). So, you can be alert in the spirit to hear God’s voice. 52. Remove any scales that are covering my eyes. Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father’s house have sinned. Let us hear from You clearly today. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray. God always honors 21. You see people through the eyes of God, with a heart of compassion and understanding. (10) Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with A. Protect my Bible Study time from the evil one who wants to distract me and interrupt me. Jan 10, 2024 · Ask for compassion and to see through His eyes. My testimonies are sure, and my breakthroughs are guaranteed. 24. 50. As your spiritual eyes open, the love of God begins to flow through you in a deeper and more profound way. Rom 8:14 – Lord, liberate my spirit to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. As a Christian, you know that there is more to life than what meets the eye. You fight and war. Open my eyes and Aug 29, 2022 · The ways in which God communicates with his people are limitless. Encountering Divine Revelations in Watchful Prayer. Galatians 5:22-23 Mar 31, 2022 · Praying in tongues opens the eyes of our heart—our spiritual eyes—in conjunction with Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:18: I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people (NIV). Heavenly Father, I stand in prayer, seeking a spiritual breakthrough. O Lord, open my spiritual eyes to see visions concerning my life and ministry in Jesus name. Lord, in Jesus name, Open my spiritual eyes to see what my natural eyes cannot. May 16, 2023 · 3. Brethren, we have not only unlocked the strategies for effective prayers but also have practical prayer points for answered prayers. Listen to the voice of God as He gives you direction. So let’s get going. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Daily Prayer of Binding and Loosing 9. May the many experiences of my senses remind me to be aware of others and of all that is around me. 1. In the name of Jesus, I capture every power behind all my spiritual blindness and deafness. These prayer points prayed in faith will deliver the good, I bet you. Lord, I ask you to deepen my spiritual insight and understanding. e. · o lord, revive all my dormant spiritual gifts in jesus' name. worldovercomers. The following are prayer points for spiritual empowerment. In this New Year, open our spiritual eyes to grasp and see clearly things we haven't seen before, to grasp with a firm grip a new level of faith, to be filled to overflowing with your joy and your love and your presence. John 14:16 15. 17. Prayer Point #3: Spiritual Hunger and Passion. Ephesians 1:18…. Paul was praying that your eyes would be opened—not your physical eyes, but your spiritual eyes, the eyes of your heart. Guide me to see the world through Your loving and merciful gaze. Oct 13, 2018 · 11). The spiritual realm is just as real as the physical world, and learning how to tap into it can unlock a world of possibilities. Prayer For Grace . Lord, I can’t truly see or hear without You. ” C. Spiritual eyes and ears, I command you in the name of Jesus, be opened. In the name of Jesus, remove every spiritual distraction and the scales that have blinded me from seeing in the spirit. Transform me, O Lord, into a vessel of Your love and grace. Thank You for Your divine power that restores and rejuvenates. READ ALSO: Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Protection. Short Prayer For The Holy Spirit. Every power enforcing terminal sickness in my life, fall down and This prayer to remove an invisible veil from our spiritual eyes and ears could be your answer. Dear Lord, I open my heart wide to the Holy Spirit’s presence. Open my eyes – prayer points · 1. (2 Chronicles 7:13-15 NKJV) Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. Show me where love and hope and faith are needed, and use me to bring them to these places. O Lord, restore my spiritual eyes and ears, in the name of Jesus. O: Oh God arise: open my eyes of understanding in the name of Jesus! Oh Lord, open my eyes that I may see spiritually what is going on around me in the name of Jesus! Oh Lord, with a word: let my fear disappear, let my problems disappear in the name of Jesus! Jan 13, 2024 · “Dear God, I come to you today seeking your divine healing touch for my cataracts. com Short Prayer For Healing Eyes. Tune my ears as you did with the man who was deaf and dumb, so that I may really hear what you are saying to me. PRAYER POINTS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Father, open my spiritual eyes and ears to perceive your voice and understand your direction clearly. Jun 26, 2020 · During Ministration prayers by Daddy G. Lord, let me cry in this prayer provoke your mercy and guidance. ” That’s what Rahul, a listener in Maharashtra, tells us. Lord Jesus, wash my spiritual eyes ears and mouth with your blood. One of the significant shifts that take place is your heightened awareness of synchronicities and signs that guide your path. Incorporate these 100 prayer points for revival and spiritual awakening into your prayer life. Oh Lord, take away the spirit of Nabal from the heart of my destiny helpers in Jesus name. docx), PDF File (. Lord, grant me victory over temptation and satanic device. ” When was the last time you walked through your home and prayed that prayer? I urge you to “fight the good fight” for those in your home because “the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The word ‘veil’ stood out to me as I read 2 Corinthians 3:16 this week. Prayer. Ask God to give them ears to hear (Matt. I cancel the enemy’s assignment to steal You Words and keep me from producing good things in my life. I want to receive spiritual sight today. Overcome Spiritual Dryness and Start Flourishing Today! Instant download is available in multiple e-book formats: PDF, Kindle, Nook, etc. Prayer Points For Spiritual Growth. Dec 9, 2023 · Prayer points to open my spiritual eyes and ears pdfRating: 4. While there’s no scientific evidence to support this, many traditions value the third eye chakra. 3. Jan 5, 2020 · God gifts leaders with vision, administrative ability, and people skills. Lord, open my eyes and ears to receive wondrous things fromYou. You are a good Father, and we submit to Your Word and the guidance of Your Spirit. B. The following are prayer points for open doors with scriptures that you can Help us to see. I release the spirit of sensitivity into you in Jesus name. "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, Open the eyes of my heart. In the name of Jesus, I convert my weaknesses in the dream to strength in the name of Jesus. 13:15), The God of heaven and earth responded immediately to those prayers-By dispatching the answer through His human agent closest to the scene of action At this point we are ready to make the first 2 important statements: Important Statement #1: Your 3 days of prayer, when you neither eat nor drink, provide you with the best (fastest) Jan 3, 2024 · But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. I want You to speak to me through Your Word for my job, career, family, marriage and my life. Luke 18:41. 2. Prayer Points For Spiritual Empowerment. Open Your Heart: A Prayer for the Holy Spirit. Lord, ignite my spiritual life so that I will stop fishing in unprofitable waters. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Dec 10, 2020 · Prayer walk. Prayer Points For Spiritual Power. FATHER, open my spiritual eyes that I may see what is my inheritance in YOU and the glory of my calling. Remember you are seeking to intercede where the Son and Holy Spirit have and are interceding. -Psalm 119:18 “I pray every day as I listen to you. Oct 27, 2021 · Holy Spirit, help me as I guard the gates of my eyes, mouth and ears. Let all attempts by the enemy to deceive me through dreams fail woefully in Jesus name 30. Show us the things that are unseen, visible only with spiritual eyes. My Father, I humbly ask for Your Holy Spirit to fill my heart. 1 Spiritual Warfare Prayers 2022 Theme - Meditating on God’s Word (Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 4:20-22; Philippians 4:8) World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church 6655 Winchester Road Memphis, TN 38115 901-844-3000 www. Oct 31, 2018 · 6. ” This verse combines prayer and the word, and we need to see how, so that we can combine them this way in our lives and in our church. I commit myself to receiving of the word of your grace for my spiritual growth, fitness 15. Open the eyes of my heart to grasp the truths of your Word and ways at a deeper level. Let my spiritual sight and hearing drum receive healing, in the name Open my spiritual eyes, Lord, so I may see the world, people, the way you see them, in their true state, in Jesus’ name. (James 4:2) In everything by prayer …let your requests be made known to God… (Philippians 4:6) Mat 7:4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? Mat 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: To have your spiritual eyes opened, you must cultivate an intimate relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, worship, and fellowship with other believers . All of a sudden, this young man saw with his heart and perceived all the angels. My Father, let my life disgrace every power of confusion and lack of focus. I can see both good and bad with my natural eyes, but I need spiritual eyes to tell what is good from what is harmful. Open my eyes, ears, and soul to receive Your divine guidance. Mar 8, 2008 · Then review these 10 prayer points for evangelism taken from “Praying Your Friends to Christ. 13. When the King of Syria found out, he was raging mad and sent horses, chariots, and a great army to arrest the prophet Let this sink deep in your spirit—the Word of God opens our spiritual eyes(Ps. Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see. 92. nhc ucpvay wqld fuzt ozqwbt ldaicf afbeq ltrcmjq tds pyduh

Prayer points to open my spiritual eyes and ears pdf. Daily Prayer of Binding and Loosing 9.